Melinda Stone – Psychotherapy, counseling, and hypnosis in Seattle

About Melinda Stone

melinda-stone-2I earned my Masters Degree in Applied Behavioral Science and Systems Counseling from the  Leadership Institute of Seattle. After graduation, I worked for a few years as a member of the psychological assessment team and group therapist at Fairfax Hospital. I have also served as adjunct faculty in the Health Psychology department and at Bastyr University, and in the counseling program at the Leadership Institute of Seattle, teaching undergraduates, graduate students, and naturopathic medical students. I began my private practice in 2003.

My undergraduate degree is from the University of Washington, and before beginning my work as a psychotherapist, I worked as the Executive Director of a non-profit organization that served children and families.

I am a fifth-generation Washingtonian, and while I love to travel and see the world, I am happy to be a life-long resident of the Pacific Northwest. As a wife, a mother, a daughter, an educator, and a small-business owner, I understand the pressures that my clients face in finding balance between all of the roles they play in their lives.

My aspiration is to help people discover and accept what is deeply true about themselves. With acceptance, anything can change.